Global Courses: Drama/FACS
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Drama/FACS Course Descriptions:
Beginning Acting (0.5 credit FAR, Gr. 9-12) Course Number: 7803
This is an introductory course where students will gain respect for the art of theatre through developing their skills as an actor and audience member. Each student will develop the skills of an actor through movement, vocal exercises, improvisation, and character development. Students will also evaluate the risk that an artist must take and therefore gain an appreciation and respect for theatre while learning to be tactful critics and respectful audience members.
Advanced Acting (0.5 credit FAR, Gr. 9-12) Course Number: 7804
Prerequisite: Beginning Acting
This is an advanced course where students will gain respect for the art of theatre through continuing the development of skills as an actor and audience member. Each student will develop the skills of an actor through high level characterization exercises, the study of various acting methods, and script analysis. Students will focus on ensemble building including scene work and productions. There will also be opportunities to study specialty areas of theatre based on interests and current performance skill level.
Competitive Drama I (1 credit FAR, Gr. 9-12) Course Number: 1505
This course is designed for students who want to improve their skills in acting and performance. Activities in humorous and dramatic interpretation, prose and poetry reading, duet acting, and duo interpretation allow individuals to refine acting skills and techniques. Participation in interscholastic competition is required. Students must remain eligible as defined by MSHSAA.
Advanced Competitive Drama (1 credit FAR, Gr. 9-12) Course Number: 1509
This advanced course is designed for students who want to improve skills in acting and performance. Activities in humorous and dramatic interpretation, prose and poetry reading, duet acting, and duo interpretation allow individuals to refine acting skills and techniques. Participation in interscholastic competition is required. Students must remain eligible as defined by MSHSAA.
Introduction to Visual Arts (0.5 credit FAR, Gr. 9-11) Course Number: 7110
This course is designed for all students to review or learn basic knowledge of art by mastering the competencies of art history, criticism, aesthetics, and production. Students will learn the elements and principles of art, know how to use them, and create pieces of artwork that display this knowledge. In addition, students will be participating in subject-related reading and writing activities and have outside class assignments. Students will be expected to solve problems using higher-order thinking skills. This course is the prerequisite for all future art courses.
Fashion I (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12) Course Number: 6103
Prerequisite: Introduction to Visual Arts
Explore the exciting career of fashion merchandising and design including fashion trends, elements and principles of design, textiles, design production and construction. The course also focuses on creating, merchandising and marketing. Students will develop leadership and employability skills essential for careers in fashion. Students will be required to provide supplies for labs and construction.
Advanced Fashion (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12) Course Number: 6104
Prerequisite: Intro to Fashion
Are you ready to enhance your knowledge in the area of fashion merchandising, construction and design production? You will discover a variety of visual merchandising techniques, research development of designers and career options, clothing history and textiles for construction. Continue to enhance your leadership and employability skills essential for careers in fashion. Students will be required to provide supplies for labs and construction.
Introduction to Theatre Design and Production (0.5 credit FAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 7822
This is an introductory course in which students will learn the basic design in all technical theatre. This will include: sets, properties, lighting, sound, costumes, make-up, house management, and publicity. Various career opportunities in technical theatre will be explored.
Theatre Appreciation (1 credit FAR, Gr. 11-12, weighted) College Credit Available, Course Number: 7809
Prerequisite: Advanced Theatre Design and Production or Acting IV
This course will refine acting skills, provide instruction in both production projects and preparing audition materials. Students will demonstrate knowledge of historical periods, production styles utilized within historical periods, research historical topics relative to theatre, and correlate research materials into a written paper.
Leadership (1 credit ELE, Gr. 10-12, weighted) College Credit Available, Course Number: 1801
This course begins with the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal management. Students will practice such leadership skills as effective oral and written communication, history of leadership styles, parliamentary procedures, problem-solving skills, strategic-planning skills, team building, motivation theory, stress and change management, and conflict resolution techniques. Students will have a major project as they analyze and resolve a problem in an organization.
This course is designed to improve students’ public speaking skills in real-world communication situations. The class challenges students to become more effective speakers and listeners in a variety of communication tasks. Students will participate in group discussions, research, listening exercises, and prepare various speeches individually, and learn to both give and receive constructive criticism.