Practical Art
Accounting I (1 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Course Number: 5109
Prerequisite: Introduction to Business and Management
This course is designed to meet the needs of students interested in studying accounting or business in college, students interested in learning about keeping the financial records for their own businesses in the future, and students interested in general office work. The course provides training in bookkeeping principles, payroll, and financial reports. Students will get practical experience in accounting through the use of spreadsheets and computer-based accounting programs.
Advanced Interior Design (1 credit PAR, Gr. 11-12)
Course Number: 6106
Prerequisite: Interior Design and Architectural Drafting
This second level course will provide students the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the areas of interior design. Students will discover a variety of visual techniques, research development of designers and career options, and textiles for construction. Students will continue to strengthen their leadership and employment skills.
Architectural Drafting (1 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Course Number: 8105
This course in drafting deals with the principals involved in site selection, room planning, exterior styling, designing structural elements of house dwellings, and computer graphics as it relates to architectural drawing. Students will be introduced to various construction methods, building materials, and terminology used in the architectural fields. Preparation of a complete set of plans and specifications for a house of traditional and/or contemporary design will be required in a CADD environment.
Baking Essentials (1 credit PAR, Gr. 11-12)
Course Number: 5117
Prerequisite: Culinary Essentials
This course will broaden students’ culinary outlook. This course includes the science of baking, pastry principles, food safety, and food preparation. Students will examine the fundamental baking concepts including sanitation, ingredient identification, ingredient usage, weights and measures, inventory and product ordering as it pertains to a professional pastry shop. Students will be operating a working bake shop.
Behavioral Health (4 credits PAR, Gr. 11-12)
Course Number: 8635
Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA; 90% attendance; a grade of C or better in Psychology and Sociology
Behavioral Health as a program would be designed to support students interested in working as a community health advocate particularly those students interested in pursuing careers in the behavioral health field. Entry level fields could include roles such as a direct service professional, behavioral health technician, or registered behavior technician. This course would also prepare students to enter a post-secondary institution to pursue certification as a community health advocate (certification program). More broadly, this program will assist students in pursuing a career in the behavioral health sciences in studying psychology or sociology with the following potential career outcomes: community support specialist, board certified behavior analyst, licensed professional counselor, social worker, psychiatrist, etc. Below would be a list of general topics and broad learning objectives to facilitate student development and career awareness in the field of behavioral health sciences.
CTSO: Students enrolled in Behavioral Health would participate in Future Health Professionals (HOSA). In 2021-2022, recognizing the increased demand for behavioral health occupations, HOSA added a Behavioral Health competition which focuses on the Discovering Psychology: The Science of the Mind (4th ed.). Students would also be able to participate in leadership and teamwork categories. This recommended book could also potentially be used for the general psychology educational component, and potentially for dual or articulated credit.
Business Law (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Course Number: 5117
This course will teach students how the laws that govern business are relevant to their everyday lives. Specific areas include laws for minors, families, consumers, contracts, bankruptcy, repossessions, employment contracts, discrimination, landlords, and cyber laws. This course will also discuss entrepreneurship law, family law, and criminal law. Additionally this course combines practical opportunities as well as expertise of a business organization. Students will work with the local community in order to apply practical applications of economics. Entrepreneurial possibilities are available within this course. Students will learn to make economical decisions, keep business records and documents, as well as market products targeting local economical issues and business careers.
Child Development (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 6109
Prerequisite: Introduction to Education or Introduction to Public Service
This course provides advanced study in child development and guidance, including the physical, social, and intellectual development of children. Actual experience in supervising children provides the opportunity to improve parenting skills, explore careers related to child development, and identify general employment skills. This course is a requirement for Early Child Development Capstone.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (1 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12, weighted)
Course Number: 8119
Manufactured items are part of everyday life, yet most students have not been introduced to the high-tech, innovative nature of modern manufacturing. This course illuminates the opportunities related to understanding manufacturing. At the same time, it teaches students about manufacturing processes, product design, robotics, and automation. Students can earn a virtual manufacturing badge recognized by the National Manufacturing Badge System.
Computer Science Essentials (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12, weighted)
Course Number: 8182
Designed to be the first computer science course for students who have never programmed before, this course is an optional starting point for the PLTW Computer Science program. Students will work in teams to create apps for mobile devices using MIT App Inventor®. They explore the impact of computing in society and build skills in digital citizenship and cybersecurity. Beyond learning the fundamentals of programming, students build computational-thinking skills by applying computer science to collaboration tools, modeling and simulation, and data analysis. In addition, students transfer the understanding of programming gained in App Inventor to text-based programming in Python® and apply their knowledge to create algorithms for games of chance and strategy.
Culinary Essentials (1 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Course Number: 6200
Prerequisite: Introduction to Hospitality and CulinaryThis course will provide a foundation in the science of keeping food safe, exploring the influence of social and cultural food practices, applying scientific and mathematical principles to food preparation and meal planning. Through practical laboratory experiences, cooperative learning and organizational skills, as well as time management, students will become familiar with kitchen tools, equipment, terminology, recipes, and communication skills needed for successful food service careers.
Digital Media Production (1 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Course Number: 8149
Prerequisite: Introduction to Journalism
The course will explore all areas of digital media (newspaper, yearbook, broadcasting, online, social) and teach skills needed in all areas. Students will learn media convergence skills and continue to build their online portfolio presence.
Introduction to Fashion (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 6103
Prerequisite: Introduction to Visual Arts
Explore the exciting career of fashion merchandising and design including fashion trends, elements and principles of design, textiles, design production and construction. The course also focuses on creating, merchandising and marketing. Students will develop leadership and employability skills essential for careers in fashion. Students will be required to provide supplies for labs and construction.
Advanced Fashion (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 6104
Prerequisite: Introduction to Fashion
Are you ready to enhance your knowledge in the area of fashion merchandising, construction and design production? You will discover a variety of visual merchandising techniques, research development of designers and career options, clothing history and textiles for construction. Continue to enhance your leadership and employability skills essential for careers in fashion. Students will be required to provide supplies for labs and construction.
Firefighter Academy (4 credits PAR, Gr. 12)
Course Number: 8636
Prerequisite: Minimum 2.5 GPA; 90% attendance; a grade of C or better in Algebra I
Do you have career aspirations related to Firefighting and first responding? The Firefighter Academy Capstone prepares students to become certified as a Firefighter while completing training in areas like fire suppression, search and rescue, and basic first aid. Students will be immersed in the Lee’s Summit Fire Department fire training with a certified LSFD Firefighter instructor through drills in the operation of fire hoses for suppressing car and structure fires, extricating victims from car accidents, a burn tower, and learning how to provide emergency first aid to patients. Students will have the opportunity to earn national IFSTA Firefighter I & II certifications that are required for firefighters. Students must provide their own transportation to MPI.
Foundations of Wood Technology (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 8109
This fundamental course stresses the development of tools, machine safety, and skills. Students will gain knowledge in the safe use of hand and power tools, machines, career exploration, project planning, problem-solving, and applied math and science. Students will have an understanding for the awareness of industry employment expectations, job outlooks, and educational requirements. This is a project-oriented course in wood working where students will be assigned to construct medium sized project. Students will be required to have safety glasses and 3-ring binder.
General Metals (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 8131
This fundamental course in metals is designed to give students a basic understanding of tools, materials, and processes of the metal working industry. Problem solving experiences will be provided in the areas of sheet metal, wrought iron, welding, and machine shop work on the lathe, mill, shaper, drill press, and finishing areas. CNC machines will be introduced in this class. Safety glasses are required.
Human Growth and Development (.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 1806
Prerequisite: Introduction to Education or Introduction to Public Services or Child Development I
This course provides advanced study in child development and guidance, including the physical, social, and intellectual development of children. Actual experience in supervising children provides the opportunity to improve parenting skills, explore careers related to child development, and identify general employment skills.
Interior Design (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 6105
Interior Design is designed to introduce students to the professional, technical, and aesthetic aspects of the interior environment. It will provide students with applied design principles and elements, traditional drafting methods, and current industry standard technology. Students will produce technical drawings and prepare presentation plans, as well as exploring career opportunities in the field of design.
Introduction to Business and Management (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 5101
This introductory course is designed to give students an understanding of business practices. It serves as a background of information for those students who plan to continue with other business courses and as a general information course for personal use. It includes the study of such areas as the free enterprise system, economics, exploring business careers, consumerism, and business technology. The course introduces business practices and structure between all levels of an organization. Students are encouraged to approach their work from an entrepreneurial perspective, and focus on the value that an employee can bring to the company.
Introduction to Criminal Justice – Online Dual Credit (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 11-12, weighted)
Course Number: 2409
Student must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
This course covers the philosophical and historical background of the criminal justice system as it relates to the individual. Course content reviews the principles underlying social organization control devices with an emphasis on such legal systems as the criminal courts, corrections, and law enforcement. The course is designed to provide general knowledge about the concept and causes of crime, the varying goals and objectives of the criminal justice system, and an assessment of specific role performance of various members of the criminal justice system including major aspects of civil process.
Introduction to Culinary (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 6010
This course was developed with the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute as an introductory course providing students with an overview of the hotel and restaurant industry. It includes an introduction to careers within the hospitality industry and includes topics such as guest services, professionalism, travel and tourism, and food and beverage services.
Introduction to Education (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 1805
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of children? In this course you will have the opportunity to explore a variety of careers in education. You will examine the historical, theoretical, psychological, and social foundations of education. This course will provide the framework for a career in education.
Introduction to Engineering Design (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12, weighted)
Course Number: 8100
This course is for students interested in engineering and architecture related fields. Units of study include sketching, multi-views, pictorial and 3-D drawing, sections, dimensions, auxiliary and architectural drawing. Students will be expected to use 2-D and 3-D CAD software to solve problems and present designs. Technical reading and math skills are needed. This course is the first course in the PLTW program. PLTW is a nationally recognized engineering curriculum being offered through the Independence School District. For more information regarding PLTW go to
Introduction to Health Services (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 5500
This course is offered in the Summer Session only. The purpose of the course is to provide students with a realistic exposure to health careers and a look at the educational requirements for various healthcare related professions. This course will provide experiences in nursing, the role of the physician, careers in rehabilitation, respiratory therapy, emergency medical services, diagnostic imaging, medical laboratory technology, health information technology, dietetics, and biomedical engineering.
Introduction to Journalism (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 1600
This introductory course focuses on a broad knowledge of journalism. Students will examine the production of all media formats.
Introduction to Juvenile Justice – Online Dual Credit (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 11-12, weighted)
Course Number: 2410
Student must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA.
This course studies the delinquent juvenile as an individual and the impact on society. Course content investigates delinquency, causation, the role of the law enforcement officer, the juvenile officer, the juvenile court, and juvenile corrections.
Introduction to Public Services (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 8600
The coexistence of any group of people requires some form of governance or division of labor in order to maintain the existence of the group. The provision of these types of public services requires the full-time attention of some members of the group. This course provides an overview of the public service systems and examines the purpose, history, organization, approach, and functions of these systems with a special emphasis on current issues, trends, successes, and challenges from a population perspective.
Introduction to Media Literacy (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-11)
Course Number: 1602
This introductory level class pairs with Introduction to Journalism to give students the background information and skills needed to be successful in the Digital Media Pathway. This class will introduce students to the benefits and use of social and online media options, analyze issues in society with social media, create an online portfolio to maintain throughout the pathway, and build a professional media presence.
JROTC Leadership Development I (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 5511
Introduction to the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) focuses on the development of skills in the following areas: appreciation of the principles, values, and skills which underlie good citizenship, development of individual leadership potential through team participation, importance of maintaining good health, attention to detail, and development of both oral and written communication skills.
JROTC Leadership Development II (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
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JROTC Leadership Development III (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
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JROTC Leadership Development IV (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
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Machine Drafting (1 credit PAR, Gr. 11-12)
Course Number: 8107
Prerequisite: Mechanical Drafting or Architectural Drafting
This advanced course in drafting, emphasizes the techniques and skills gained through basic drawing courses as applied to industrial parts. The course is organized in a way to allow creativity in design while still learning drafting standards and technical information in a computer graphics environment.
Mechanical Drafting (1 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 8103
This is an introduction to mechanical drafting. The course will emphasize the fundamentals of drafting with paper and pencil. Course topics will include: sketching, projection, drawing layout, drafting standards, conventions, dimensioning, sectioning and basic design principles.
Office Productivity Suite (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 5124
This course is designed to help students master beginning skills in the areas of word processing, spreadsheet software, and the proper creation and application of professional presentations. Students will learn file management, how to save and find files, use a network, and share files with others for collaboration. Students will learn the software skills needed in Microsoft and Google to be effective in school and the workplace. Advanced projects combining all of Microsoft Office and Google software will be included in the course.
Public Law (0.5 credit PAR, Grade 10-12)
Course Number: 1572
This course is designed to allow the student to examine his/her place in the legal system. Course content will deal with how the law and the judicial system directly affect the individual as a well as individual rights and responsibilities under our legal system. Topics include: why law, where law comes from, different types of law, the criminal justice system, juvenile law, etc. Real world applications of these concepts will be explored as they deal with individuals in society.
Public Safety (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 9-12)
Course Number: 5600
Prerequisite: Introduction to Public Services
This course introduces students to careers in criminal justice, law enforcement, fire protection, emergency response services, and other related career areas. Students will learn about public safety careers through engagement in classroom and laboratory activities modeled after real-world work assignments, scenarios, and problems. Strong emphasis will be placed on written and verbal communication skills, mathematical applications, problem solving, ethics, accountability, and cultural diversity. Public safety professionals and post-secondary instructors will guest lecture to discuss aspects of their respective careers enabling students to make a more informed career choice.
The drone market is exploding. This course will provide valuable learning experiences for anyone entering the utilities field, aviation, marketing, building maintenance, shipping, and many more careers. Course curriculum will be through the Unmanned Safety Institute, a premier instructional group for unmanned flight. This course follows Project Lead the Way’s Aerospace Engineering class and provides the opportunity to earn certification to fly a drone.
Youth Entrepreneurs (1 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Course Number: 5200
Prerequisite: Introduction to Business and Management
This course cultivates a growth entrepreneurial mindset through its experiential learning model, reimagining education as real-world relevant. In Youth Entrepreneurs students learn that a market is an environment or interaction where people are free to exchange things of value for the benefit of themselves and others, such as goods, services, time, ideas, knowledge, and more.