Your ISD: Early Education

Posted January 30, 2024

 YOUR ISD – Early Education

The ISD Early Education program nurtures our youngest learners in one of the largest programs in the state of Missouri. With more than 800 Early Education students, we focus on curriculum-based instruction that lays the foundation for vertical curriculum alignment in the ISD, all the way through graduation!

Full video:
ISD Early Education:
ISD Early Education buildings:

ISD Board of Education President Eric Knipp said, “Study after study have shown the benefits, not just of childcare but of curriculum-based early education, and as far as the curriculum, they then will be familiar with how Independence does things. Early education is vital.” 

ISD Board of Education Director Jill Esry agreed, “They’re not just in childcare and playing all day. They’re getting lessons in how to deal with certain situations: stress management, health and wellness, and things like that that we don’t think about young kids needing today, but I think it’s important that they have that instruction.”

Thank you for being a part of the Independence School District! #isdstrong #yourisd